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  1. National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) - Home. Recent Updates. Direktif untuk semua produk yang mengandungi Hydroxychloroquine : Pengemaskinian sisip bungkusan dan Risalah Maklumat Ubat Untuk Pengguna (RiMUP) dengan maklumat keselamatan berkaitan risiko Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis (Sweet’s Syndrome) Direktif untuk semua ...

  2. Misi NPRA adalah menjamin kesihatan rakyat melalui kawalan regulatori ubat-ubatan dan kosmetik berlandaskan kecemerlangan saintifik. DAFTAR PRODUK ANDA SEKARANG Orang Awam

  3. National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) Disclaimer : Pharmaceutical Services Programme, Ministry of Health Malaysia shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of information in this portal.

  4. Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara (NPRA) Penafian : Program Perkhidmatan Farmasi, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kehilangan atau kerosakan yang dialami kerana menggunakan maklumat dalam portal ini.

  5. QUEST 3+ Online Submission System enabled Product License Holder, Manufacturer, Importer, Re-packer, Reseller and other related users to conduct secured online transactions for product registration, variation, licensing, market sampling, renewal and other transactions.

  6. The product / cosmetic under NPRA regulatory control status is subjected to changes according to regulatory update / needs. Produk / kosmetik di bawah status kawalan kawal selia NPRA tertakluk kepada perubahan mengikut kemas kini peraturan / keperluan.

  7. Products Search. Search Pharmaceutical, Complimentary & Alternative Products that registered with National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency, NPRA. You may also search cosmetic products notified with NPRA. Search Products. Consumer Information. Consumer Reporting of Side Effects to Medicines or Vaccines.

  8. Users can check the registration status of a product through the / OR by contacting the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency at 03-78835400. In that website you can click on the 'Product Search' icon.

  9. National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), Ministry of Health Malaysia is formerly known as the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau (NPCB). Under the Control of Drug and Cosmetic Regulatory 1984, NPRA is the only regulatory agency in Malaysia that acts as the secretariat to the Drug Control Authority (DCA).


    National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) regulates both public and private pension schemes in Ghana.

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