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  1. Jul 13, 2021 · Concave means curving inwardlike the shape of the inside of a bowl. Convex means curving outward—like the shape of the outside of a contact lens. To put it another way, a concave shape can be filled, while a convex shape creates a dome.

  2. Sep 9, 2023 · Concave and Convex Lenses. Concave lenses focus light inside the curve of the lens, while convex lenses focus light using the outer curve. A lens that curves like a “C” (no flat side) is both concave or convex, depending on which side of the lens you view from.

  3. Aug 3, 2023 · A convex polygon is a polygon that has all its interior angles less than 180°. All the diagonals of a convex polygon lie inside the closed figure. A convex polygon can be both regular and irregular. Regular convex polygons have all sides of the same length and all interior angles of the same measure (less than 180°).

  4. Read on to learn a simple trick for remembering concave and convex. Concave means 'hollowed out or rounded inward' and is easily remembered because these surfaces 'cave' in. The opposite is convex meaning 'curved or rounded outward.'

  5. What's the difference between Concave and Convex? Concave and convex are two opposite terms used to describe the shape or curvature of an object or surface. ...

  6. Jan 7, 2024 · Concave refers to a surface curving inward, like the inside of a bowl, while convex means a surface curving outward, like the exterior of a sphere. Key Differences. Concave surfaces curve inward, resembling a cave, and are used in optical devices like telescopes to focus light.

  7. May 22, 2019 · Convex describes shapes that curve outward, like a football (or a rugby ball). If you stand in front of a concave mirror, your reflection will look taller. If you stand in front of a convex mirror, the opposite will happen—your reflection will appear shorter.