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  1. Objective. Relevant Provisions of the Law. Interpretation 1. Application of the Law 2. Deduction for Entertainment Expense 2. Principles in Determining the Allowable Entertainment Expense 3. Entertainment Expense which Qualifies for a One Hundred Percent 4 (100%) Deduction .

  2. Aug 4, 2023 · Step 1: Determine if the Expense Qualifies as Entertainment. Does the expense fall within the definition of entertainment? If not, no deduction will be allowed. Step 2: Assess Wholly and Exclusive Purpose.

  3. Under Section 33 (1) of the ITA, travel expenses are generally deductible if they are wholly and exclusively incurred in the production of gross income. This includes costs associated with business trips, such as airfare, accommodation and transportation.

  4. Director General Inland Revenue, Inland Revenue Board Malaysia. This ruling explains: the tax treatment of entertainment expense as a deduction against gross income of a business; and. steps to determine the amount of entertainment expense allowable as a deduction.

  5. entertainment expense is allowable and the amount to be allowed: a) No deduction for entertainment expense is allowed if it does not fall within the definition of “entertainment” in S.18 of the ITA.

  6. Expenses on entertainment provided by a person free of charge to clients or customers of the business which are not in the ordinary course of carrying on the person’s business would not be deductible.

  7. further clarify the treatment of business meal expenses and entertainment expenditures under section 274. Under the notice, taxpayers may deduct 50 percent of an otherwise allowable business meal expense if: (1) the expense is an ordinary and necessary expense under section 162(a) paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on