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  1. Translations of Chinese martial arts manuals: –. 1560. 《射法》 戚繼光. Archery Principles by Qi Jiguang. 《拳經捷要》 戚繼光. The Boxing Classic (Keys to Nimbleness) by Qi Jiguang. 1676.

  2. May 25, 2013 · [A manual handwritten by Li Yiyu, presented to his student, Hao He (Weizhen) – 1881] [translation by Paul Brennan, May, 2013] –. 山右王宗岳太極拳論. THE TAIJI BOXING TREATISE OF WANG ZONGYUE OF SHANXI. 太極者。 無極而生。 陰陽之母也。 動之則分。 靜之則合。 無過不及。 隨曲就伸。 人剛我柔。 謂之走。 我順人背。 謂之粘。 動急則急應。 動緩則緩隨。 雖變化萬端。 而理唯一貫。 由著熟而漸悟懂劤。 由懂劤而階及神明。 然非用力之久。 不能豁然貫通焉。 虚領頂劤。 氣沈丹田。 不偏不倚。

  3. Paul Brennan's English Translations of Previously Unavailable Chinese Martial Arts Manuals

  4. Jun 19, 2018 · His book Tai Chi Chuan Sword, Saber, Staff, and Dispersing-Hands Combined (T’ai Chi Ch’uan Tao Chien Kan San Shou Ho Lun) revolutionized many aspects of T’ai Chi practice and theory, especially those concerning his discourses on Intrinsic Energy (]in), Sensing-Hands (T’ui-Shou), Greater Rolling-Back (Ta-Lu), and Dispersing-Hands ...

  5. Sep 15, 2013 · Paul Brennan just posted his complete online translation of The Yang Forty Texts, also known in the Wu Jianquan tradition by the title Taiji Fa Shuo (Taiji Methodologies Explained).

  6. The Brennan Translation: Sanshou. There is a blog you should know about called Brennan Translation, where you will find many translations by Paul Brennan of Chinese martial arts manuals.

  7. Apr 8, 2014 · For those into Chinese boxing and weapons systems here's a site written by Paul Brennan that translates into English an impressive collection of original Chinese works by various authors dated from 1875 to 1963 on Taiji, Shaolin, Xingyiquan, among other arts.