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  1. TencentDB for Redis monitors and visualizes performance metrics for QPS and most Redis commands such as set/get. You can configure alarms to receive email/SMS notifications when metrics exceed thresholds.

  2. Jan 24, 2024 · TencentDB for Redis is a database service provided by Tencent Cloud based on the Redis protocol, which leverages Tencent Cloud's many years of experience in distributed caching and features high availability, reliability, and flexibility.

  3. Sep 24, 2024 · Creating TencentDB for Redis Instance. Last updated: 2024-04-26 12:38:43. Overview. This document describes how to purchase and configure a TencentDB for Redis instance. Prerequisites. You have registered a Tencent Cloud account and completed identity verification. Click here to register a Tencent Cloud account.

  4. 腾讯云数据库 RedisTencentDB for Redis)是腾讯云打造的兼容 Redis 协议的缓存和存储服务。丰富的数据结构能帮助您完成不同类型的业务场景开发。支持主从热备,提供自动容灾切换、数据备份、故障迁移、实例监控、在线扩容、数据回档等全套的数据库服务。

  5. TencentDB for Redis is a caching and storage service compatible with the Redis protocol. It features a rich variety of data structure options to help you develop different types of business scenarios, and offers a complete set of database services such as master-slave hot backup, automatic switchover for disaster recovery, data backup, failover ...

  6. 云数据库 RedisTencentDB for Redis)是基于腾讯云在分布式缓存领域多年技术沉淀,提供的兼容 Redis 协议、高可用、高可靠、高弹性的数据库服务。云数据库 Redis 提供标准和集群两大架构版本。

  7. Aug 28, 2024 · 云数据库 RedisTencentDB for Redis是由腾讯云提供的兼容 Redis 协议与 Memcached 协议的缓存数据库,具备高可用、高可靠、高弹性等特征。 云数据库 Redis 服务兼容 Redis 2.8、Redis 4.0、Redis 5.0、Redis 6.2、Redis 7.0 版本协议,兼容 Memcached 1.6版本,提供标准和集群两大架构 ...