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  1. Bumpscosity is a setting that gets added to the settings menu after getting the Settings World Champion achievement and going to the Settings World Champion room at the Stanley Parable 2 Expo. Notably, the bumpscosity slider only has 7 states: 0, 1, 12, 50, 76, 100, and 1000, and the Narrator...

  2. Welp, turns out bumpscosity DOES so something. 50 is just perfect, btw, not too much, not too little. There is a comment for every single bumpscosity value, good luck finding them all!

  3. May 14, 2024 · Bumpscosity is the ultimate emperor‘s new clothes, the consummate commentary on choice in games, and an absurdist masterstroke for this landmark title. In short, it means nothing except exactly what the creators wish it to mean in any given moment.

  4. May 1, 2022 · bumpscosity. An extra-special slider found in the settings menu of most games. Setting bumpscosity to 0 will make the experience not bumpscotious enough for most, and similarly setting it to 1000 will make most players uncomfortable.

  5. Maybe bumpscosity is a second thought for the average mouth breathing, armpit sweating, drooling rube that calls themself a "gamer", but as a true, "digital experience enthusiast", the first thing I do when I start a new virtual journey is to set my bumpscosity to my desired level.

  6. May 9, 2022 · I prefer the Japanese bumpscosity. The people who make the English bumpscosity tend to miss the original intent of Japanese bump or censor it in some way the bumps are smaller.

  7. An ending is a point during all versions of The Stanely Parable where the player can no longer progress. They are found by exploring the rooms of The Office in various ways, with the challenge of finding them being the game's main goal. There are nineteen achievable endings found in The Stanley...