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  1. Jan 28, 2017 · Adi Shankaracharya says Vishnu bhakti is limited to Gauṇaṭvam In 4.1.3 of Śaṇkara bhashya, we can clearly observe that Adi Shankaracharya strongly believed in supreme non dual worship of Parameshvara (Shiva) as described by Jâbâlās in their Shruti, and also that worshipping gods like Vishnu in Murti form is just Gauṇa bhakti (Worship of act/speech).

  2. Sep 1, 2020 · Shankara's description of Buddhists in his time. Among them there are three schools: some are Sarvastivadins (divided into the Sautantrikas and Vaibhasikas, believing respectively in the inferential and perceptual existence of all things); some are Vijnanavadins (or Yogacaras, believing in the existence of consciousness or ideas alone); while others are Sarvasunyavadins (or Madhyamikas ...

  3. 1. Shankara established only 4 mutts for sure. If he did establish the fifth Kanchi mutt, the date of Shankara as claimed by them (509 to 477 BC) should be the true date of Adi Shankara. You can read my answer about date of Adi Shankara here. So, his life history clearly says he lived in 8th century AD.

  4. Oct 29, 2017 · In the book, Sastry mentions (on page 32) the names of 10 shankara vijayas and several other authentic sources (on page 33) such as Punyasloka manjari and Guruparampara records present in advaithic mutts, Jina Vijaya, Maddhva Vijaya and Mani manjari which provide insights on planetary positions during Shankaracharya’s birth. The author quotes the birth details of Shri Adishankara from Brihat ...

  5. Jun 10, 2021 · 4. How did adi shankara view Buddhists. Did he consider them to be on right path or did he consider them to be on wrong path. Did he believe that, if so one follows buddhist philosophy (alone) will attain Moksha. He has written a Brahma Sutra Commentary where the Buddhists are referred to as Shunyavadis and Vijnanavadis.

  6. Oct 31, 2023 · 1. Sri Adi Shankaracharya accepted the idol worship (as the nirguna worship is not possible for everyone) but only as a substitute in the form as a gauna bhakti or virtual dualistic worship of Saguna Brahman. But the highest worship is said to be of the Nirguna Brahman (Self) according to the Jabalas (Upanishad).

  7. Nov 17, 2016 · Adi Shankaracharya traveled all around India engaging scholars in religious debate. During one such debate, Bharati, wife of scholar Madana Mishra, attempted to defeat Adi Shankara in the topic of Kamashastra – sex. To win this debate Adi Shankaracharya’s performed parakaya pravesha – enter the body of another person.

  8. Sankaracharya was a Nambudiri Brahmin and this is stated in Madhaviya Sankara Vijayam, a translation of which is provided on Sringeri's website. I quote from this website and the bold emphasis is mine. The Madhaviya Shankara Vijayam, the most popular and widely accepted account of Sri Adi Shankara’s life, describes the advent of Sri Adi ...

  9. Feb 16, 2019 · Madhaviya shankara Vijaya does not mention adi Shankaracharya installing srichakras at any of those temples. In sringeri, the temple record does say that a srichakra was carved on the rock which they saw when the wooden idol was replaced by vidyaranya around 12-13 century. So it is likely done by adi Shankaracharya. But no one knows how it ...

  10. Jun 9, 2021 · 5. Shankaracharya asserted the smritis, and uses them extensively throughout his different commentaries on the upanishads and other works. He deferred to quoting from the vedas, but would quote from the smritis when it would help his commentary. As the Brahma Sutras notes, when smriti and sruti are in conflict, sruti takes precedence.

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