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  1. Chung Ling: Tolling to Inspire the Young; 2016年校历/Takwim 2016; 各地锺灵校友会; 槟城锺灵中学学生警察精英队重夺2014年槟州操步竞赛冠军宝座 《我的家庭》摘10奖项 槟锺灵中学称霸剧场

  2. Ko In Beng (顾因明, b.1881), a graduate of Fudan and a former teacher at Pudong High School, was invited to be the first joint-provost of Chung Ling High School. [14] The first graduates of the high school, October 1925.

  3. David Chen and the Pinnacle of Chung Ling High School. With David Chen as headmaster of Chung Ling, a bilingual policy was adopted. A graduate of Nanking University, Chen was effectively bilingual, and had taught in Nanking and Dutch Indochina.

  4. 2017年校历/Takwim 2017 (6/2/2017) Chung Ling: Tolling to Inspire the Young (19/12/2016) 2016年校历/Takwim 2016 (7/1/2016) 各地锺灵校友会 (29/10/2015) 槟城锺灵中学学生警察精英队重夺2014年槟州操步竞赛冠军宝座 (4/7/2014) 《我的家庭》摘10奖项 槟锺灵中学称霸剧场 (17/6/2014) 12 Ways to Make ...

  5. Chung Ling High School (simplified Chinese: 锺灵中学; traditional Chinese: 鍾靈中學; pinyin: Zhōng líng zhōng xué; Malay: Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan Chung Ling) is a secondary school in...

  6. 鍾靈创校于1917年。 目前学生人数约1800名,教职员人数近160位。 办学愿景:成为“世界级华文学府”;办学理念:全面推行六育平衡发展: 德、智、体、群、美、劳。 2015 年获教育局颁发全国华文独中办学评估最高荣誉五星级奖并名列全国华文独中最佳表现前五名。

  7. Chen had travelled to Malaya in 1930 to join Chung Ling High School, founded by supporters of the Kuomintang party, but his anti-communist views irked members of the Communist Party of Malaya, especially his stand in education.