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  1. Jun 18, 2014 · I sent an email to confirm my meeting with a person which specified time, date, place, and building on the email like below: I would like to meet you at 5pm this Sunday in KFC on the first floor in USA Shopping center. There are two things about this sentence. It's overly complicated for me. The order of time, date, place, etc doesn't look right.

  2. May 1, 2015 · Note: The meaning in the Vietnamese phrase is mostly for the first thing you see. It may be something special to the person, it may be not. But it is the first that this person see. The thing may be (or even just) a normal thing of the place/object, but it keeps appearing enough so that the person won't forget the impression, although when time pass by they can get used to it and feel back to ...

  3. The first time the user pushes the button, if the number he entered is not valid, then... At the first time the user... (as the above) For the first time...(as the above) I would be inclined to choose the first... Am I right?

  4. Nov 12, 2014 · Ngram: is the first time that vs. is the first time when. Edit: I'm leaning toward the relative clause. The only thing that bothers me is that a relative clause generally allows "when" instead of "that" insofar as the antecedent is some kind of "time". Are there some other relative clauses that don't quite allow "when" for a "time" antecedent?

  5. Slim is entirely correct. One occasional exception to those rules is that "Good morning" is often used ironically.

  6. Jul 7, 2019 · Rather than 'It is the first time in 5 years that I've eaten frogs' legs', you can just say 'I haven't eaten frogs' legs for 5 years.', or instead of 'it's been 5 years since I ate eggs last time', 'It's been 5 years since I ate eggs' of 'its been 5 years since I last ate eggs'. No meaning is lost by omitting 'time' or 'last time'. –

  7. Nov 19, 2014 · 3) They met for the first time in 1980. 4) The first time they met was in 1980. Plus here is an explanation by a Londoner *|No, they mean different things and have different grammar. 'For the first time' is a complete description of a time, and it implies other times that came before it. For the first time, he won a prize. [He had never won a ...

  8. Sep 14, 2018 · Yes, it is also an English expression; for the first time/for the last time: You use expressions such as for the first time and for the last time when you are talking about how often something has happened before. He was married for the second time, this time to a Belgian. For the first time in my career, I was failing. (Collins Dictionary)

  9. The first key fails, the second key fails - it is always the third that works. And on its relatonship to the American version, third time's the charm: This may be an variant of the earlier 'third time lucky' or it may have arisen independently in the USA. A citation is given of this phrase from 1912. EDIT: Please don't vote this answer up ...

  10. The first part of the clause indicates a future time, the subclause "i have flown to America" is in future perfect, indicating a completed future event. "It will be the first time I fly to America" - you are talking about a future event from the perspective of the present.

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