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  1. an action or process that affects someone's life in an unpleasant and unwanted way. 侵犯,侵擾. an invasion of privacy 侵犯隱私. 减少例句. The D-Day invasion was a concerted exercise by the armed forces of Britain, the US and Canada. The ancient Britons inhabited these parts of England before the Roman invasion.

  2. 释义. n. 入侵,侵略; 侵害,侵犯; 侵袭; [医]发病. 词态变化. 复数: invasions; 实用场景例句. 全部. 入侵. 侵略. 侵害. 侵犯. 侵袭. 发病. the German invasion of Poland in 1939. 德国于1939年对波兰的侵略. 牛津词典. the threat of invasion. 入侵的威胁. 牛津词典. an invasion force/fleet. 侵略军 / 舰队. 牛津词典. the annual tourist invasion. 一年一度游客的涌入. 牛津词典. Farmers are struggling to cope with an invasion of slugs. 农民正在努力对付蛞蝓的大肆侵害。

  3. an action or process that affects someone's life in an unpleasant and unwanted way. 侵犯,侵擾. an invasion of privacy 侵犯隱私. 减少例句. The D-Day invasion was a concerted exercise by the armed forces of Britain, the US and Canada. The ancient Britons inhabited these parts of England before the Roman invasion.

  4. n. penetration, incursion, entrance, entering, spread, spreading. 解析. aggression 词义宽泛,既可指武装入别国领土,又可指文化、经济等方面略。 侧重敌意行动和征服企图。 invasion 多指具入或犯别国领土,也可用于指抽象事件。 assault 主要指突然而猛烈进攻。 attack 普通用词,含义广,指事先不发警告,主动地向对方发起武力进攻或对言论等进行抨击。 offensive 多指进攻态势,常指大规模协同军事行动。 联想词.

  5. INVADE翻译入侵侵略, (通常为了谋财或搞破坏而不受欢迎地涌入蜂拥而入, 强势进入(某领域), 侵犯,侵扰。. 了解更多。.

  6. n. 侵犯;入侵,侵略;侵袭. 近义、反义、联想词. 近义词. n. penetration, incursion, entrance, entering, spread, spreading. 解析. aggression 词义宽泛,既可指武装入侵别国领土,又可指、济等方面侵略。 侧重敌意行动和征服企图。 invasion 多指具体侵入或侵犯别国领土,也可用于指抽象事件。 assault 主要指突然而猛烈进攻。 attack 普通用词,含义广,指事先不发警告,主动地向对方发起武力进攻或对言论等进行抨击。 offensive 多指进攻态势,常指模协同军事行动。 联想词.

  7. n. (名词) 侵犯,侵略,侵害,侵入,侵袭,侵占. 干预. 涌入,拥入. 【医】发病,发作. 骚扰. 浸润. 查看更多. 双解释义. 英英释义. invasion的用法和样例: 例句. 用作名词 (n.) The invasion force was annihilated. 侵略军被消灭了。 The regiment covered itself with glory in the invasion battle. 该团在反侵略的战斗中赫赫有名。 NATO's invasion of this independent country is a brutal violation of human rights. 北约对这个独立的国家的侵略是对人权的野蛮侵犯。