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  1. The famous French oceanographer Mr Jacques Yves Cousteau, who has spent his lifetime on undersea discoveries and is considered an authorithy on undersea exploration has embraced Islam after his amazing undersea discovery was confirmed by the Holy Qur'an the last and final revealed guidence of Allah (God Almighty) for the whole of Mankind and Jinns.

  2. Le fameux océanographe français M. Jacques Yves Cousteau, qui a passé sa vie dans des découvertes sous-marines et est considéré comme une autorité dans l'exploration sous-marine a embassé l'Islam après que son incroyable découverte eut été confirmée par le Saint Coran, le dernier et final guide révélé par Allah (Dieu Tout ...

  3. As the groundswell of embracing Islam was spreading among France's universal celebrities, Captain Cousteau, the world's most eminent undersea explorer, announced that by accepting Islam he had made the most correct decision of his life.

  4. But very few people know, that scientific researches carried out by him and facts of reflection in the Qur’an of many scientific signs have led him to accept Islam; and that he died as a Muslim.

  5. Cousteau was born on 11 June 1910, in Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Gironde, France, to Daniel and Élisabeth Cousteau. He had one brother, Pierre-Antoine. Cousteau completed his preparatory studies at the Collège Stanislas in Paris. In 1930, he entered the École navale and graduated as a gunnery officer.

  6. Jan 13, 2017 · The French marine scientist Captain Jacques Cousteau, who is famous for underwater research, explains the results of his investigations about water barriers as follows:

  7. Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau was quoted. In France, Islam is very quickly spreading among people, who have become famous in the most different fields of knowledge and activity. Today, the number of people, who left Christianity and accepted Islam has reached already hundred thousand.