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  1. The Manifestations of God are appearances of the Divine Spirit or Holy Spirit in a series of personages, and as such, they perfectly reflect the attributes of the divine into the human world for the progress and advancement of human morals and civilization through the agency of that same Spirit. [1]

  2. The purpose of the Manifestation of God, according to Bahá’í belief is to educate humanity. This education lies in different levels and includes education for the welfare of human society and the education for the individual to obtain a sound character and divine attributes.

  3. The Manifestation of God is the light-bringer of the world. Like the arrival of spring, His coming releases a fresh outpouring of spirit into creation and has a universal effect.

  4. The Bahá'í manifestation of God, Bahá'u'lláh wrote in Arabic and Persian, and his immediate audience consisted for the most part of nineteenth-century Middle Eastern Muslims.

  5. This suggests two types of knowledge that God reveals through His manifestations: (1) knowledge that pertains to His actual existence (revealing Himself), and (2) knowledge that applies to His character, personality, and attributes (revealing His character).

  6. The text speaks of a manifestation of God to man. Man was not created to eat, and drink, and die; to pass his earthly existence absorbed in carnal pursuits, and earthly cares, and transitory pleasures.

  7. In the middle of the 19th century, God summoned Baháulláhmeaning the “Glory of God”—to deliver a new Revelation to humanity. For four decades thousands of verses, letters and books flowed from His pen.