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  1. Robert Forman notes that Ramana Maharshi made a distinction between samadhi and sahaja samadhi. Samadhi is a contemplative state, which is temporary, while in sahaja samadhi a "silent state" is maintained while engaged in daily activities. [ 102 ]

  2. Jan 21, 2021 · Ramana Maharshi: Samadhi, turiya and nirvikalpa all have the same implication, that is, awareness of the Self. Turiya literally means the fourth state, the supreme consciousness, as distinct from the other three states: waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep.

  3. Samadhi - Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. A state of intense concentration and perfect tranquility achieved through meditation. In Hindu yoga this is regarded as the final stage, at which union with the divine is reached. Elucidation of Samadhi by Sri Ramana Maharshi: ← Mauna. Krishna →.

  4. Sri Ramana Maharshi puts it in the following way: (1) Holding on to Reality is samAdhi. (2) Holding on to Reality with effort is savikalpa samAdhi. (3) Merging in Reality and remaining unaware of the world is nirvikalpa samAdhi. (4) Merging in Ignorance and remaining unaware of the world is sleep.

  5. Letters from Sri Ramanasramam. by Suri Nagamma. Six Kinds of Samadhi. Ch.163 – 03 December 1947. This morning a devotee approached Bhagavan and asked, “Swami, it is said that some people remain in thought free awareness (nirvikalpa samadhi) for quite a long time.

  6. Apr 20, 2023 · Sri Ramana Maharshi explains about the difference between Kevala Nirvikalpa samadhi and Sahaja Nirvikalpa samadhi states. Subscribe to this channel for more spiritual inspiration and wisdom...

  7. Sri Ramana Maharshi on Self-Enquiry. Table of Contents. What is it? What is its goal? This sadhana is enough. Suitable only for ripe souls. How does it work? What exists in truth – the One or the many? The nature of ignorance or nescience. The nature of the mind. The impure mind cannot know God. The nature of the Heart (Hridayam, Sphurana )