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  1. Comprehensive solution. Extract handwriting and low-quality machine print from paper, images and pdfs and turn it into automation-ready data. Unbeatable accuracy. Accept end-customer information in any form and extract data with an average accuracy of over 98%, outperforming what an individual can achieve. Produce automation-ready data.

  2. Feb 23, 2023 · The BP documentation states that the OCR operates with a default option of 4. But this might not always help your case especially if: Your text is Gray scale. And you might see high instances of 7s badly read as 1s. Therefore, reduce the scale value to 2 to see if the reads produce better results.

  3. Aug 9, 2023 · SS&C Blue Prism digital workers read, converted and uploaded critical information in compatible digital formats for further applications. It saved staff from manual processes and repetitive tasks so they could focus more on negotiating with preferred suppliers.

  4. Jan 22, 2024 · SS&C | Blue Prism® Decipher IDP validates and extracts data. Decipher uses OCR to extract text and text layout information from images. It includes human-in-the-loop (HITL) verification so that if Decipher can’t process a data point accurately, a human can step in to check it.

  5. IDP solutions use artificial intelligence (AI) and optical character recognition (OCR) technology to process all types of documents – structured, semi-structured and sometimes even unstructured – for most processes across most industries.

  6. SS&C Blue Prism intelligent automation solutions, powered by AI and machine learning, will help you deliver against strategic business goals, at speed, allowing you to remain agile in the face of an ever-changing socio-economic landscape.

  7. Aug 8, 2019 · Part of Surface Automation is being able to recognise text displayed by the application allowing Blue Prism to capture the information. Blue Prism makes use of Google's Tesseract open source OCR engine to perform this function.