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  1. Feb 6, 2013 · A "quarter" is far more commonly used in conversation than a "fourth" but both mean "one part in four" (1/4). A "quarter" is a countable part so you can have two quarters or three quarters (such as pieces of a cake or pie). These could be separate quarter-sizes pieces or a fraction of the whole.

  2. three quarter和three fourths的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同. 1.three quarter意思:四分之三的;三季度. 2.three fourths意思:四分之三. 二、用法不同. three quarter用法:基本意思是“四分之一,四等分”,可以用来指距离、数量、价格及物体的四分之 ...

  3. Feb 29, 2012 · After all, we say “Quarter-horse”, not “Quarti-horse”. “Quartercennial” is perhaps most correct, every quarter-century. Similarly, in the spirit of simplicity, albeit not word length, “quarter-centennial” to describe an event celebrated at 25 years is perhaps best of all, which was, I think, the original question.

  4. Mar 30, 2013 · It is possible that whoever used the term wanted to convey the idea that the three issues are published in three-month intervals, i.e. quarterly (say, in March, June,and September), and that one quarter is then skipped (in this example, there is no issue in December). Tri-quarterly would, however, still be a very bad term to use for that purpose.

  5. Sep 15, 2017 · A quarter is invariably a period of three calendar months - not 1/4 of the days in the year. (Most years have a number of days not divisible by 4, anyway). Also, a 'fraction' can mean any part or subset, not just a precise arithmetical fraction.

  6. So, for instance, an indicated time of 6:43 would probably be reported as "quarter to six" or "quarter til six". To some degree, these usages are maintained, especially in the older segment of the population. For many, though, it is simply easier and faster to read the time directly from the digital display, "Six forty three".

  7. Jul 29, 2015 · You'd also say half a mile, quarter of a mile, etc., but in these cases it's as though you're still talking of "a mile" first, and then taking half or quarter of it. Let me say something further, with the caveat that it may be my own idiosyncratic usage: use the singular only when talking of the natural number 1, that is, when you're essentially "counting" miles and there's a single one of them.

  8. May 19, 2020 · One other difference would be that anything which happens "quarterly" would tend to happen over a period of complete years or, possibly, a lifetime. Things which happen "every three months" are less likely necessarily to occur in full years, contracts could be cancelled at any time for instance. In the specific case of pregnancy the word ...

  9. While writing programs, I need to create a drop down for setting periods, like daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Using one year as a time frame. This question is driven by lack of a better word. I've ha...

  10. Mar 22, 2012 · I agree that "two-forty-five" is much more common with young Americans than "quarter-to-three." – amcnabb. Mar 22, 2012 at 18:08. Interesting tidbit... my mother taught first grade for years, and she saw a definite drop in the number of students who understood what the directions "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" meant.

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