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  1. Their origin of the Toledo swords comes from the most ancient Spanish customs. More than 2,000 years ago, in the 5th century B.C. , Iberian blacksmiths already forged Toledo swords known as falcata which had an iron blade inside and a special design made to increase the bluntness of the slash.

  2. Swords and Sabers of Toledo, more than 100 years manufacturing Toledo crafts with our exclusive brands Marto, Bermejo, Windlass and Battlecry.

  3. Various backgrounds tell us about the excellence of the swords made in Toledo since ancient times. Those backgrounds date back to the Roman times, but it was during the Muslim time and in the Christian Reconquest when Toledo and its guilds of swords makers played a major role.

  4. Nov 28, 2023 · The craftsmanship of Spanish Toledo swords is renowned worldwide for its historical significance and exquisite artistry. These blades have a rich history that dates back centuries, and their evolution is a testament to the skill and dedication of the craftsmen who created them.

  5. Jul 14, 2023 · If you are searching for an authentic Toledo sword from Spain, you will probably know that they are not just ordinary weapons; they are masterpieces that embody the artistry and craftsmanship of Spain.

  6. After the Reconquista, Toledo emerged as the greatest sword-making centre in the world. The technique used for the Toledo sword had a “soul of iron”, consisting of a steel blade that concealed a wrought iron strip inside it, thus preventing the steel from bending or cracking.

  7. The Spanish tradition of making swords have the city of Toledo its centre, Bermejo is a faithful keeper of this tradition since 1910. Presently, Bermejo is the oldest company dedicated to this fabrication taking up the first place over the world in the field of the militaries swords and sabers.