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  1. Sep 14, 2024 · Ashwini Mudra is a type of Mana Mudra, focusing on contracting the anal sphincter muscles to strengthen the pelvic region, including the bladder, uterus, cervix, vagina, and rectum. Unlike Hasta Mudras (hand gestures), it involves no hand movements and centers solely on the pelvic muscles.

  2. Jun 26, 2020 · Ashwini Mudra is called as horse gesture. It is a beginner’s yoga technique that involves contracting the anal sphincter in a rhythmic way. This is to direct the prana i.e. life force energy upwards along the spine through the sushumna nadi, the body’s main energy channel.

  3. Dec 11, 2023 · As a practice involving repeated contractions of the anal sphincter, Ashwini Mudra improves the apana vayu or downward air, reinforcing the anal muscles. In this article, we explore how to perform the Ashwini Mudra, along with its wide-ranging benefits and important precautions.

  4. Sep 14, 2023 · Can Ashwini Mudra be practiced alone or does it require other yogic practices? Ashwini Mudra can be practiced on its own or as a part of a comprehensive yoga routine. It can be combined with other yoga asanas, pranayama (breathing exercises) & meditation for a more holistic practice.

  5. How To Do Ashwini Mudra – Horse Gesture | Technique I: Rapid contraction | Technique 2: Contraction with antar kumbhaka | Awareness | Ashwini Mudra Benefits | Precautions | Note. Ashwini Mudra (horse gesture) is a ahara (perineal mudras) is a bandha (lock mudras).

  6. Aug 8, 2024 · How to Do. How It Works. Precautions and Contraindications. Vajra Mudra Benefits. Image Source: Canva. Vajra Mudra is a simple but powerful yoga gesture that feels like a fiery thunderbolt. In Sanskrit, “ Vajra ” means both “ diamond ” and “ thunderbolt,” representing unbreakable strength and powerful force.

  7. Nov 18, 2019 · Ashwini mudra is done by contracting and releasing the anal muscle repeatedly in a rhythmic way to redirect prana (life force energy) upward along the spine through the sushumna nadi (central energy channel) - this is usually done in tandem with Uddiyana Bandha. This can be done seated, but best to do it while on inversion.