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  1. Nov 1, 2022 · In dismissing LKL’s aforesaid argument, Justice Lim Chong Fong found that the legal requirement for a sole proprietor to commence legal proceedings as plaintiff/claimant in its personal name, is not governed by Order 77 rule 9 of the Singapore and Malaysian Rules of Court.

  2. neutral lee choo yam holdings sdn bhd & ors v khoo yoke wah & ors [1990] 2 mlj 431 referred 6/3/ myhc neutral wong yoon yar v lin yin thai & ors [1987] 2 mlj 714 referred 18/7/ mysc positive keow seng & company v trustees of leong san tong khoo kongsi (penang) 13/4/ myfc page 3 of 3 fatimah hiew yen won & anor v saroja a/p palaniappan & anor

  3. May 31, 2021 · The High Court in the oppression action of Chuah Seong Keat and 3 others, or otherwise referred to as the Thai Odyssey case, allowed the striking out of certain reliefs from a shareholder oppression action. The Court found that those reliefs were claims under trademarks and domain name and fell outside the oppression relief.

  4. Nov 4, 2020 · The appellant (Tan Ying Hong) was the registered owner of a piece of land in Kuantan. The first respondent purporting to act under a power of attorney (PA) had executed two charges in favour of the third respondent (United Malayan Banking Corp) to secure two loans amounting to RM300,000.00 for the second respondent (Cini Timber Industries Sdn Bhd).

  5. Introduction. [1] This appeal relates to a suit filed in the High Court ('s 540 Suit') against three individuals for fraudulent trading pursuant to s 540 of the Companies Act 2016 (CA 2016). The three individuals (defendants) were shareholders cum directors of a company.

  6. Partner ship : Wong Yoon Yar v. Lin Yin Thai (1987) 2MLJ714- a partnership or sole proprietorship has no legal entity nor personality of its own. IAC (S’pore) Pte Ltd v.

  7. Mar 23, 2011 · The present court system of Malaysia and Singapore and the adjective law are based in large part upon principles of English common law, while the substantive family law applied to the Chinese people is in part a reflection of “traditional” Chinese law.