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  1. 絹絲瀑布步道因超大豪雨造成土石崩塌,暫時封閉菁山路101巷步道口至絹絲瀑布前路段. 113-11-07. 陽明山國家公園擎天崗地區於113年10月24日至25日受潭美颱風及東北季風影響降下超大豪雨,導致絹絲 ...更多. 113-11-12 上磺溪停車場公廁設施老舊,自113年11月11日起 ...

  2. Yangmingshan National Park Headquarters Press Release. 2020-07-06. Leading global soundscape conservation action, Yan ...More. 2019-12-30 Start 2020 with First Day Mt. Qixing Hikes” May you be merry, safe and sound all the year!.

  3. Yangmingshan National Park is situated on the northern edge of the Taipei Basin, and is bordered on the east by Mt. Huangzui and Mt. Wuzhi, to the western foothills of Mt. Honglu and Mt. Xiangtian, the northern edge by Mt. Zhuzi and Tudigong Ridge, and to the south by the southern foothills of Mt. Shamao.

  4. The Yangmingshan National Park Vision for Development Yangmingshan National Park has the distinctive Datun volcano group and is the upstream catchment area of the Greater Taipei area. The park features a complete, natural ecosystem and is the ecological, societal, and economic lifeline of Taiwan’s northern coast and the Taipei basin.

  5. Mt. Qixing Map.jpg. Mt. Shamao Map. Mt. Shamao Map.jpg. Yaminshan National Park Map (Chinese and English version) Yaminshan National Park Map (Chinese and English version).jpg. Yangmingshan Map (Chinese version) Yangmingshan Map (Chinese version).jpg. Yangmingshan National Park Service Information (English version)

  6. 陽明山地區早自日治時期即為「大屯國立公園」預定地;當時範圍包括七星山、大屯山區及觀音山等地,此計畫惜因第二次世界大戰爆發而作罷。. 民國52年,交通部觀光事業小組曾委託臺灣省公共工程局,將陽明公園及鄰近七星山、大屯山、金山、野柳與富貴角 ...

  7. 辦公時間:AM8:30~PM5:00 週休二日; 電話: (02)2861-3601 傳真: (02)2861-1504 本處代表信箱; 地址:112092臺北市陽明山竹子湖路1-20號

  8. 溫泉資源亦相當豐富,有溫泉別墅、小隱潭、噴水池、展望臺、瀑布及花鐘等著名景觀,集結自然與人工之美,是陽明山地區內最熱門的遊憩據點之一。. 另鄰近花鐘之大屯瀑布,因該區溪流西側步道緊鄰臺北市山崩地滑地質敏感區,陡峭濕滑、常有落石,且 ...

  9. Within Yangmingshan National Park, the Formosan rabbit can be found on the borders of agricultural areas, forests, shrubs, and prairies. It is an herbivore and has a gray-brown protective coloration, and it multiplies rapidly with three to four litters annually.

  10. Jul 6, 2020 · Leading global soundscape conservation action, Yangmingshan National Park has become the world's first urban quiet park. In 2020, under the panic of the New Coronary Pneumonia (COVID-19) epidemic, people need a sense of tranquility.

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