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  1. Jan 25, 2014 · January 25, 2014 -. Yes / No questions are those questions that expect ‘yesor no’ as answer. These questions do not take the question words when, what, where etc. Yes / No questions are used to check information or ask for confirmation. ‘Are you coming with us?’ ‘Yes.’.

  2. Sep 2, 2014 · When we report a Yes/No question, we use whether or if. Direct: Suma said to me, ‘Are you interested in this offer?’. Indirect: Suma asked me if I was interested in that offer. Direct: The teacher said to me, ‘Do you know the answer?’. Indirect: The teacher asked me if / whether I knew the answer. Direct: Martha said to Susie, ‘Will ...

  3. Dec 1, 2013 · Yes/no questions expect yes or no as the answer. We use if or whether to report yes/no questions. Direct: ‘Will you do this?’ Indirect: She asked me if I would do that. Direct: ‘Are you going to the market?’ Indirect: She asked me if I was going to the market. Direct: Will you help me? Indirect: She asked me whether I would help her.

  4. Jun 7, 2014 · Reporting yes or no questions. June 7, 2014 -. Yes or no questions are reported with ‘if’ or ‘whether’. Note that we cannot use the words say and tell to report questions. Study the examples given below. ‘Are you a clever boy?’ the stranger asked Harry.

  5. Jan 11, 2011 · Agreements with negative statements are made with the structure ‘ No + pronoun + auxiliary + n’t (not)’. The apples aren’t good. No, they aren’t. She doesn’t like fish. No, she doesn’t. They didn’t play well. No, they didn’t. Disagreements with affirmative statements are made with the structure ‘ No + pronoun + auxiliary + n ...

  6. Jun 4, 2014 · A rhetorical question is a kind of question that is not meant to be answered. Rhetorical questions are used to make a point. This makes them different from Yes / No questions because the latter expect an answer. Here is a quick review of Yes / No questions. Yes / No questions are asked to get a simple answer. They are usually answered with yes ...

  7. 汉语的「是、否」,是肯定或否定对方的整句话;英语的「yes, no」,是肯定或否定对方所述内容剥离掉对方对它的肯定或否定之后剩下的部分。. 于是,当对方的叙述或提问中本身就含有否定时,汉语和英语的回答就相反了。. 汉语“是否”在CP之上,英语“yes no ...

  8. Jun 23, 2012 · Noun clause markers. June 23, 2012 -. Recognizing a noun clause isn’t all that difficult. They are usually introduced by the conjunctions that, if or whether. Noun clauses can also be introduced by question words (e.g. how, what, when, where, which, who, whom, whose, why) and words ending in –ever (e.g. whatever, whenever, wherever etc.)

  9. 《Yes Minister》 S1E1 "Always dispose of the difficult bit int the title. Does less harm there than in the text. ""The less you intend to do about something, the more you have to keep talking about it. ""You can be open or you can have goverment." "But surely the citizens of a democracy have a right to know." "No. They have a right to be ...

  10. May 15, 2019 · 1. I have no time to talk to you now. 2. She has answered none of the questions. 3. No matter what you say, I won’t believe you. 4. She is no fool. 5. None of the students participated in the program. 6. I no longer support the liberals. 7. I waited for hours, but no one came. 8. None of them could solve the puzzle. 9. Not surprisingly, he ...

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