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  1. Jul 6, 2011 · Illicit < Lat., licere, to permit. Illegal < Lat., lex, a statutory law (as opposed to natural law, or what have you). As noted above, illicit is a broader term that often includes a moral or ethical connotation, whereas illegal does not. It might be illegal to open the coolant reservoir on your air conditioner, but nobody thinks it is immoral ...

  2. elicit - to bring out, educe (principles, truths, etc.) from the data in which they are implied. Also, to extract, draw out (information) from a person by interrogation; sometimes with object clause introduced by that. solicit - to seek after; to try to find, obtain, or acquire. As implied by the second part of the first definition, in OP's ...

  3. unlawful, illegal, illegitimate, illicit are comparable when they mean contrary to, prohibited by, or not in accordance with law or the law. Otherwise than this negation in character, the words in general carry the same differences in implications and connotations as the affirmative adjectives discriminated at LAWFUL.

  4. Jul 12, 2014 · Regarding "laundering" of dirty money, it is the passing of money gained through illicit means through banks, services, and asset purchases to confuse attempts to trace a particular bit of cash or an asset back to the original crime. Laundered money is still technically an illicit gain, but after enough scrubbing, might not be legally seizable.

  5. A woman came to be called "maîtresse" as a romantic metaphor for the influence she held on a man's heart (at that time, this term did not imply -or reject- illicit relationships or even a carnal relationship), just that the woman was loved. The term then came to designate a fiancee and in the 17c a women having sexual relations with a man outside of marriage.

  6. Jan 16, 2017 · a lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person. Oxford Living Dictionaries. This word has connotations of illicitness that apply beyond the contexts of marriage. Someone in a serious relationship (but not married) might also have a paramour. If it is a man cheating on his spouse with another woman, the go-to term is mistress:

  7. Nov 24, 2011 · "Boyfriend" indicates a romantic relationship that may or may not involve illicit sex, again without any implication of the marital status of either party. I can't help but add: I once heard a comedian comment that he stumbled across the word "nymphomaniac" in a dictionary, and it defined it as "a female who is completely obsessed with sex".

  8. Dec 18, 2015 · I think that American English speakers would exclusively use mistress as the woman with whom one has an (illicit) affair. For British English speakers, there is still the idea of mistress in the sense of the female head of a house. So at a boarding school, there could be a Head Mistress. Also, possibly more of a regionalism and possibly ...

  9. Jul 3, 2015 · kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit. "she deserved better than these clandestine meetings" ( The wikipedia article on a Fleet Marriage, for example, refers to clandestine marriages as a type of fleet marriage:

  10. Jan 5, 2016 · Dope is a rather new slang word that is used to define someone or something excellent, great, impressive. OED says that it is originally in African-American usage and chiefly among rap musicians and

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