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  1. Nov 19, 2016 · Shanghai is one of the 65 cities worldwide, part of the Global Bersih network, to hold the Bersih 5 overseas solidarity event. About 8,000 Malaysians currently residing in Shanghai, with many...

  2. Malaysiakini's reporters on the ground, aided by aerial observation, estimates the crowd to be more than 100,000 at its peak at about 4pm. As of 5pm, it appears that the crowd numbers are...

  3. Negaraku penutup BERSIH5. 5.30pm:KLCC- Perhimpunan hari ini sepatutnya berakhir pada jam 6 petang tetapi ia diisytiharkan tamat lebih awal apabila keadaan mula hujan. Timbalan Pengerusi BERSIH...

  4. Mar 22, 2024 · Himpunan Bersih 5 mengemukakan lima tuntutan iaitu pilihan raya bersih, kerajaan bersih, kukuhkan demokrasi berparlimen, hak membantah dan memperkasa Sabah dan Sarawak.

  5. Malaysiakini akan melaporkan secara langsung perjalanan keseluruhan 34 jam perhimpunan BERSIH 4. Terus bersama kami untuk liputan semasa, termasuk gambar dan video terkini.

  6. Read the latest news and views on #bersih at Malaysiakini

  7. Sep 16, 2024 · Amid controversy over the government's terms for providing funding for Perikatan Nasional MPs, Bersih has reiterated its position that equal funding for MPs should be legislated as law rather...