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  1. A. Phalanges. It would probably be better if you could reference three papers with completely different stances to try and eliminate any bias possible - for example, the Guardian, the Times and the Mail - then noting their relative discrepancies and attempting to pull out the facts between them. However, given that this is an A Level geography ...

  2. Guardian readers et al. patently hate working class culture. KingBradly. 1. Guardianistas and Green Party lovies feel it's their duty (as the enlightened prophets they consider themselves to be) to save the helpless working class from the oppression of the ruling elite. They are the intelligent, middle-class socialists who are the only hope for ...

  3. Ignore the lefties on here, they are nuts and cannot see anything from a balance point of view. The guardian is the mouth piece of the prominent left - Labour supporting. Everything they print will be in line with labour policy. Labour are anti white and the main reason why our society is screwed up. over 90 percent of the population is white ...

  4. The guardian is much better quality than the DM. No newspaper is perfect or without bias but the DM has been particularly bad for scaremongering, selective reporting of crime, inaccurate reporting of scientific issues, etc. The guardian hasn't. The guardian articles are far more reliable for accuracy than anything in the mail, and they are ...

  5. They are similar sort of papers, so what makes you choose one over the other. I think the Independent is more student friendly. I actually read The Times, though, and struggle to see the need for two leftish newspapers when one will do. why people read The Independent over The Guardian, and vice versa.

  6. A (Heavily intellectual, highly serious) The Guardian-Centre Left (Labour, some Lib Dem) The Independent-Centre Left (Labour and Lib Dem) The Observer-Centre Left (Labour and Lib Dem) The Financial Times-Centrist (Mixed) The Times-Centrist (Mixed) The Telegraph-Centre Right (Conservative) B (Intellectual and serious, but cut down for the convenience of the reader without much time on his or ...

  7. They are no different from Daily Mailers who claim the Guardian is a 'truly evil newspaper'. The Guardian, Telegraph and Independent are the last bastions of decent journalism left in this country since the Times got Murdoched. This. It's no better than the Daily Mail, just bad in different ways.

  8. 20. Original post by commandant. Well you need to get them to read your work, that will be a start. Lots of methods, Internet makes it easier. Try and find name and business address and post with a cover letter. Alternatively, use the likes of twitter or LinkedIn to make initial contact.

  9. Original post by Kiss. Lololol, a crude way of putting it but funny nonetheless. The reason the Guardian is in cahoots with Islam is because of a misplaced sense of liberal white guilt and in doing so they aim their hatred towards anglo-Christian denominations which are, by and large, the most widespread across the UK.

  10. Mar 20, 2021 · And the weighting on NSS is lower in the subject tables than the Complete and Times rankings. The Guardian has some seriously big jumps from 2020 to 2021, Chichester from 73 to 29, Heriot-Watt from 61 to 35, Nottingham from 18 to 38, Lincoln from 17 to 52, Liverpool Hope from 43 to 84. When you see single year place changes of 20-30 or more in ...

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