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  1. Which areas in Malaysia can be identified as problematic soils area? When problematic soils becoming a major concern in foundation engineering? How we solve the foundation problems in problematic soils? Types of problematic soils. Expansive soils. Collapsible soils. Expansive Soils. Credit to Sally Blackner Re-edited Muhammad Azril.

  2. Dec 31, 2021 · Problematic soils, from a geotechnical point of view, are soils that have the potential to expand, collapse, disperse, undergo excessive settlement or even to fail under relatively low stress conditions.

  3. Sep 10, 2019 · The soils which possess characteristics that make them uneconomical for the cultivation of crops without adopting proper reclamation measures are known as problem soils.

  4. The soils which possess characteristics that make them uneconomical for the cultivation of crops without adopting proper reclamation measures are known as problem soils.

  5. Soil crust, hard pan, highly permeable soils and non permeable soils, problems associated with them and their management : Soil acidity – causes and problems characteristics of acid and acid...

  6. Sep 27, 2023 · Problem soils are soils that present specific challenges or limitations for various land uses, such as agriculture, construction, or environmental conservation. These...

  7. An arbitrary differentiation is made between “problem soils” in which the soil characteristics themselves pose problems for their optimal use, and “degraded soils” in which unwise management interventions create supplementary environmental and productive problems.

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