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  1. Deterge is a verb that means to wash off or cleanse something. It is related to the word detergent and comes from the Latin verb detergēre. See synonyms, examples, and word history of deterge.

  2. Deterge is a verb that means to wipe or wash away or cleanse something. It comes from Latin dētergēre and is often used in the context of cleaning a wound.

  3. Deterge is a verb that means to wash or wipe away, or to cleanse of impurities or undesirable matter. It comes from Latin dētergēre, meaning to wipe off. See examples, synonyms, pronunciation and grammar.

  4. Definitions of deterge. verb. wipe away; to wash off or out, cleanse; chiefly in medical use: to clear away foul matter from the body. “This drug is powerful enough to deterge ”. see more.

  5. Deterge is a verb that means to wash or wipe away, especially in medical contexts. It comes from French déterger and Latin dētergēre, both meaning to wipe. See examples, synonyms, and related words.

  6. Deterge is a verb that means to cleanse a wound or something else. It comes from French déterger and Latin dētergēre, which mean to wipe or wash off.

  7. deterge is a verb that means to clean (especially a wound) of undesirable material. It comes from French déterger, from Latin dētergēre, and has anagrams in Italian and Spanish.