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  1. Oct 21, 2022 · Siapakah Anas Bin Malik? Artikel ini akan membincangkan biodata dan kisah hidup Anas bin Malik yang merupakan salah seorang sahabat nabi.

  2. Mar 26, 2023 · Salah seorang sahabat Nabi yang lama membersamai Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallama adalah Anas bin Malik radhiyallahuanhu. Sehingga tak heran jika beliau termasuk di antara sahabat yang banyak meriwayatkan hadis.

  3. Anas ibn Mālik ibn Naḍr al-Khazrajī al-Anṣārī (Arabic: أنس بن مالك الخزرجي الأنصاري; c. 612 – c. 712) was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. [1] [2] [3] He was nicknamed Khadim al-Nabi for serving Muhammad for ten years.

  4. Jul 10, 2023 · Malik, Abu Hamza al-Khazraji al-Ansari رضي الله عنه was a noble sahabi who was a devoted khadim to the Prophet ﷺ. He was born in Medina ten years before the hijra. His family belonged to the Najjar clan of the Khazraj tribe, which was one of the two leading tribes of Medina. The Prophet ﷺ bestowed on him the agnomen Abu Hamza.

  5. Jun 27, 2022 · Sejak usia 10 tahun, ia menjadi pelayan Rasulullah, yang melayani langsung segala kebutuhan Nabi Muhammad. Sebagai pelayan setia hingga akhir hayat Nabi, Anas bin Malik meriwayatkan hadis sebanyak 2.286, dan menjadi salah satu sahabat yang paling banyak meriwayatkan hadis.

  6. Anas bin Maalik ibn Nadar al-Khazraji Al-Ansari (Arab: أنس بن مالك الخزرجي الأنصاري, c.612-712, atau meninggal dunia 709) adalah seorang sahabat Nabi yang dikenali. Beliau adalah seorang Ansar dari kalangan Bani Khazraj .

  7. Apr 6, 2024 · Anas ibn Malik was born during the pre-Islamic era, before the spread of Islam. He was living in Mecca before the migration of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. His father passed away shortly after the migration, angered by his wife's conversion to Islam.

  8. Biographies. Abu 'Abdullah Malik ibn 'Anas ibn Malik ibn Amr al-Asbahi was born in Madinah in the year 93H (714CE). His ancestral home was in Yemen, but his grandfather settled in Madinah after embracing Islam. Malik became the Imam of Madinah, and one of the most renowned Imams of Islam.

  9. Abu 'Abdullah Malik ibn 'Anas ibn Malik ibn Amr al-Asbahi was born in Madinah in the year 93H (714CE). His ancestral home was in Yemen, but his grandfather settled in Madinah after embracing Islam ...

  10. Anas, who was given the nickname “Khadim an-Nabawi [the Servant of the Prophet]”, went to more than 100 towns. He told the Muslims what he saw and heard from the Prophet. He died in Basra in 93 H, when he was more than 100 years old.