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  1. Oct 18, 2023 · Changing your white light bulbs to yellow colour light will decrease the attraction of Charlie insects to come over to your house. You also can trick them away by setting the light outdoors and minimising the use of lights inside your house.

  2. We found out that 'Charlie ants' are actually not ants — they are a species of beetle in the Paederus genus. These beetles go by the name 'Charlie ant' in Malaysia due to their similar appearance to ants when they are crawling on the ground.

  3. Semut Charlie ialah serangga kecil berukuran 7-8mm panjang dan mempunyai kepala hitam serta bahagian badan berwarna merah atau oren. Mereka berasal daripada negeri-negeri timur Australia. Biasanya semut ini dijumpai di kawasan takungan air seperti saliran atau paya.

  4. Apr 5, 2024 · ‘Charlie ants’ are actually not ants — they are a species of beetle in the Paederus genus and are also known as rove beetles. These beetles go by the name ‘Charlie ant’ in Malaysia due to their similar appearance to ants when they are crawling on the ground.

  5. Semut Charlie merupakan serangga berbisa yang sangat berbahaya. Ia berwarna belang hitam-jingga dan bersaiz kecil, dengan panjang kurang dari 1 cm dan lebar kurang 2 mm. Ia banyak ditemui di kawasan berumput, sawah padi, ladang kelapa sawit dan hutan.

  6. Jan 26, 2010 · This deary Charlie here is less than 1 cm long, and the hemolimf liquid inside its body contains the most poisonous insect toxin in the world. It doesn't bite or sting, and the way the toxin enters the human body is through the contact between the insect's skin and human skin.

  7. Also called “Charlie Ants”, rove beetles are a household pest no stranger to Malaysians, especially during the rainy season. As the insects move quickly, you might only catch glimpses of them. Finding rove beetles. Adult rove beetles are typically smaller than 2 cm in length.

  8. Jan 15, 2021 · According to the Twitter post, MOH advises us to do as follows to avoid being bite by Charlie Ants: 1) Avoid physically touching Charlie Ants. 2) Recognize and avoid disturbing the Charlie Ants. 3) Blow if Charlie Ants perched on your skin. 4) Wash the area that got contacted with Paederin fluid with water and soap.

  9. Sep 28, 2018 · Having pests in your home is seriously a nuisance and the residents of Shineville Garden condominium in Ayer Itam, Penang understand this feeling very well. That’s because for the past four years, they have been constantly plagued by venomous rove beetles who are also known as “Charlie Ants.”.

  10. Poisonous bug: A rove beetle found at Shineville Garden In Air Itam. GEORGE TOWN: For the past four years, residents of Shineville Garden condominium in Ayer Itam have come under attack from rove beetles, popularly known as “Charlie Ants”.

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