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  1. Dosage/Direction for Use. 1 tab daily starting on 1st day of menstruaton w/o interruption for 21 days, followed by 7 tab-free days. Click to view Desolon detailed prescribing information.

  2. Mar 12, 2023 · Pil Desolon adalah pil perancang yang mengandungi dua jenis hormon iaitu desogestrel dan Ethinylestradiol. Ubat ini bertujuan untuk menghalang kehamilan dengan mengganggu pengeluaran telur (ovum) dari ovari.

  3. ran ProdukTarikh kemaskini RiMUPApakah kegunaan DesolonDesolon ialah pil kombinasi est. untuk mencegah kehamilan. Bagaimana Desolon berfungsi Kontraseptif oral gabungan seperti Desolon berfungsi terutamanya. engan memperdayakan badan menganggap ovulasi telah berlaku. Ini menghal. ng telur matang dan dilepaskan daripada ovari setiap bulan.Hormon ...

  4. Last Updated: 23-May, 2018. National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), Ministry of Health Malaysia. Malaysia Drug Control Authority.

  5. Sep 19, 2023 · Side Effects. Intermenstrual bleeding, post-medication amenorrhoea, changes in cervical secretion, increase in size of uterine fibromyomata, aggravation of endometriosis and certain vaginal infections. Breast tenderness, pain, enlargement or secretion. Nausea, vomiting, cholelithiasis, cholestatic jaundice.

  6. on can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. Visit your doctor or pharmacist immediately. Desolon may cause: blood clot, stroke, high blood pressure, heart attack, edema (swelling) depression, dizziness, headache, migraine, nervousness, premenstrual syndrome. acne.

  7. Desolon 0.03mg/0.15mg Tablet is a combination of two medicines used for contraception (to prevent pregnancy) and in the treatment of irregular periods. It helps to prevent the release of the egg and its fertilization by the sperm. It may also help to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.