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  1. This Diploma in Computer Science program prepares students for the challenging tasks by providing courses from the abstraction level up until implementation and deployment. The content designed for the curriculum covers the courses such as basic computing, programming, operating systems, networking, database, as well as Mathematics and English.

  2. Diploma Sains Komputer. Pengenalan Program. Diploma Teknologi Maklumat mula ditawarkan pada Sesi Julai 1992/1993 sebelum Kolej Sultan Zainal Abidin (KUSZA) dinaiktaraf kepada universiti. Program ini telah memperoleh Akreditasi Sementara MQA/PA 9642 daripada Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) bermula 10 Julai 2017.

  3. Membangunkan laluan pengajian pakar yang berkaitan dengan profesi individu fungsi utama dalam sains komputer dan membolehkan pengkhususan dengan mempertimbangkan kemajuan kerjaya dan pengiktirafan profesional.

  4. Diploma of Computer Science strives to equip students with the knowledge and understanding of Computer Science whilst producing students who are informative, skillful and experienced to fulfill the current semi-professional work force requirements.

  5. Students taking the Diploma in Computer Science are exposed to a variety of subjects that enable them to either join the workforce or continue with the degree programme upon graduation.

  6. The Diploma in Computer Science program is specifically designed to provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of computing that is highly relevant in the workplace.

  7. Diploma in Computer Science . Programme Objectives Graduates of this program should be able to: Competent, creative and innovative in solving various problems in the field of Computer Science. Communicate effectively with leadership skills and self-confidence while striving for career development through life-long learning.

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