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  1. Ficus benghalensis, or Ficus indica commonly known as the banyan, banyan fig and Indian banyan, is a tree native to the Indian Subcontinent. Specimens in India are among the largest trees in the world by canopy coverage.

  2. Ficus benghalensis produces aerial roots which turn into woody trunks once they reach the ground. Foliage Leaves are ovate to elliptic. Both the primary and lateral veins are prominent.

  3. Mar 21, 2022 · For those who have loved and lost the finicky fiddle leaf fig, we introduce ficus Audrey (Ficus benghalensis). A close relative of the fiddle leaf fig, ficus Audrey is easier to grow and care for indoors and has a similar growth habit and appearance.

  4. Apr 30, 2015 · Description. F. benghalensis is a large, evergreen to deciduous tree, up to 20 (-25) m tall, with wide leafy crown and branches spreading up to 100 m or more with pillar-like prop roots and accessory trunks. Trunk massive, fluted, bark grey, smooth, young softly white puberulous.

  5. Banyan, (Ficus benghalensis), unusually shaped tree of the mulberry family (Moraceae) native to the Indian subcontinent. The banyan reaches a height up to 30 metres (100 feet) and spreads laterally indefinitely.

  6. Ficus benghalensis grows as a large tree to 30 meters in height, a trunk to 150 cm in diameter. Aerial roots form from the branches and become secondary trunks allowing the tree to grow outward from the center horizontally (in some cases to 200 m).

  7. Ficus benghalensis is a beautiful ficus variety similar to ficus lyrata, or fiddle leaf fig. But Ficus benghalensis care is known for being easier than fiddle leaf fig care, even if the trees themselves are a little pricier and trickier to find!

  8. Overview. Summary. One of the most important trees in Indian history, the Banyan tree is the national tree of India. Characterised by descending aerial roots, each of which can grow into new trunks, thus this tree expands like a small forest.

  9. Ficus Benghalensis Quick Care Tips. Botanical Name: Ficus Audrey Benghalensis; Common Name(s): Audrey Ficus, Banyan Fig; Synonyms: Ficus Benghalensis, Ficus Lyrata; Family & Origin: Moraceae family, native to Pakistan and India; Growability: Easy to grow; Grow Zone: 10-12; Size: Grows up to 98′ feet tall in the wild, but typically grows to 5 ...

  10. Synonyms: Ficus indica L. In the beginning of its life the Indian banyan is an epiphyte growing on another tree where some fig-eating bird deposited a seed. As it grows it starts to produces aerial roots from horizontal branches, which take root where they touch the ground.