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  1. Nov 22, 2018 · This paper describes design process of foundation of Shanghai Center Tower, the China’s tallest building. The foundation system is piled raft founded on deep deposit of delta of Yangtze River.

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  2. The tower has a 5-storey basement, and its foundation depth is 31.4 [m]. The thickness of the raft under the tower is 6 [m] and the area of the raft is 8945 [m 2 ].

  3. Apr 14, 2012 · Shanghai Tower | Introduction | Structure Features | Foundation System | Loading Analysis | Lateral Loads Behavior | Conclusion | Building resist to Lateral loads through 3 layers of structure, they transfer wind and

  4. The Shanghai Tower posed a unique challenge to engineers and was designed to withstand typhoon-strength sustained wind conditions, structural loads within the building, and sway. An

  5. 引言. 上海中心大厦目前正处于施工阶段,竣工后将成为世界上最大及最高的双层外墙建筑,同时其可持续技术也是最先进之一。 作为上海市陆家嘴中央商务区三座超高层塔楼当中的后起之秀,而且是唯一的一座巨型高层建筑,与SOM公司的金茂大厦和KPF的上海环球金融中心比肩而立 (见图2.1),上海中心大厦将重新定义城市形象,改写全世界对中国的看法。 其原创性的建筑结构和机电设计,以及其创新性的设计流程,均昭示了高层建造的未来。 这栋128层建筑的造型为一个沿2,073英尺(632米)的高度螺旋上升的三角尖锥形柱体。 三角形的弧形转角有效地将风荷载降到最小,在内外幕墙之间形成21座中庭。 一条切口沿着其中一个转角蜿蜒而上,增加了设计的美感和可持续性。

  6. The vulnerability of foundation soil to seismic vibration or wind force on the superstructure is typically overlooked in the structural design. This study examines the responses of a multi-storey...

  7. This paper describes design process of foundation of Shanghai Center Tower, the China’s tallest building. The foundation system is piled raft founded on deep deposit of delta of Yangtze River.