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  1. VicMuslims Club acts as the representative body at Victoria University of Wellington to unify Muslims and engage in the remembrance of Allah the Almighty. VicMuslims carries out a plethora of activities to interact, benefit and engage members, while also promoting awareness about Islam and Muslims alike.

  2. Muslims in New Zealand | Te Pae Rangahau Tauhōkai Ahurea / Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research | Te Herenga WakaVictoria University of Wellington. Published: 2011. Contact: Colleen Ward. Overview. At present almost one in four persons in New Zealand’s 4.3 million population is overseas-born.

  3. Overview. The research examines how Muslim youth (age 13-19) preserve traditional values and practices while participating in the wider New Zealand society, how they negotiate issues pertaining to identity and how well that adapt socially and psychologically to life in New Zealand.

  4. It also explored psychological and behavioural aspects of being Muslim: 1) identity or a psychological sense of pride and belongingness, 2) Muslim behaviours and traditions, specifically religious practices and 3) visibility, traditional Muslim dress (hijab) in relation to life satisfaction and psychological distress.

  5. May 22, 2022 · Tour of Muslim prayer space at VicMuslims Club Victoria University of Wellington kelburn campus.

  6. Muslim youth growing up in Western contexts face a complex set of issues as a result of meeting the various, and often incongruent, expectations placed upon them by their family, religion, ethnic community and host national society.

  7. Mar 15, 2019 · We send love to our Muslim students and community following the tragedy that took place yesterday ️ The Muslim community are our friends, our family, our neighbours, our tāngata. They are us. We...