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  1. Mar 13, 2019 · Andrew Rannells was not a stand-out in The Boys in the Band, whoever it was above who said that every person in the cast was brilliant or whatever. There were some great performance and there were some bad ones (the redhead from Desperate Housewives was awful). That hot guy from "One Life to Live" was one of my favorites. I didn't get Zachary Quinto's performance. Jim Parsons was excellent ...

  2. Apr 5, 2021 · Did Andrew Rannells and Tuc Watkins break up? They seem to be missing from each other’s social media. Tuc can do so much better. They make a perfect STEREOTYPICAL couple. They still like each other's posts on Instagram, and when Tuc's kids painted eggs for Easter, one of them had Andrew's name on it.

  3. Dec 22, 2020 · Andrew Rannells is reminiscent of those old-time guests. Rannells stands out—he’s talented and has personality. Most of today’s young stars have nothing to say and cannot carry on a conversation other than to plug a movie, which will be gone before we know it—and so will they. by Anonymous. reply 45.

  4. Mar 13, 2022 · Andrew Rannells’ transition into an Asian man is complete. This is an Asian man. that's so last century. that's sad. An Asian Liberace no less. It looks like he’s getting reading to play David Bromstad in a Hallmark Channel Movie. . Almost a Fu Manchu! Hateful bitches.

  5. May 26, 2021 · OP, you're not looking at Andrew Rannells, you're looking at a lousy, two-dimensional photo of Andrew Rannells. That's what Rannells has always looked like. A giant bug squashed under glass. This is what women of a certain age look like. This is how Rannells looks without Hollywood lighting, background, hair and make up!

  6. Jun 15, 2021 · Anyway - I found Andrew Rannells' book what he wrote at the Dollar Tree this week - there were still a couple of copies left there if you want one. It talked about how he grew up in Omaha and did all kinds of community theatre and dinner theatre and had a kind of messy affair with a 40 year old guy when he himself was only 16.

  7. Oct 4, 2020 · R14 They weren't together for Christmas, which is weird if Andrew isn't with his family in Omaha. Andrew spent Christmas in New York with his friends and Tuc has not published anything about his family. If they’re having a long-distance relationship for whatever the reason, the relationship will not last.

  8. Apr 30, 2020 · Everything about it is appealing, everything that traffic will allow. Nowhere could you get that happy feeling, when you are stealing that extra bow. There definitely is, R7, and you can see Christian Borle comment on it directly to Rannells, after which Rannells taps his groin with the racket.

  9. Nov 18, 2022 · Andrew Rannells . Why he look 55. Offsite Link. by Anonymous: reply 4: November 18, 2022 12:39 PM: He's always looked puffy, even when he had the th ...

  10. Sep 18, 2022 · Andrew Rannells and Lens reunited . Hannah and Elijah became the most stereotypical middle aged fag/hag couple ever . Offsite Link. by Anonymous: re ...