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  1. snakehead 硬骨鱼纲鲈形目Perciformes月鳢科Channi-dae鳢属(Ophiocephalus)鱼类的统称也称黑鱼”、“乌鱼”、“星鱼”、“才鱼”、“孝鱼”。淡水可钓鱼的一种鳢科我国有三个品种即乌鳢斑鳢月鳢乌鳢体型最大

  2. 乌鳢因其在某些地区的入侵性而成为了一种引人注目的物种这一现象不仅令科学界关注也在娱乐界引发了一些创作灵感有些导演据此创作了几部以乌鳢入侵为题材的恐怖电影其中最著名的包括科学怪鱼(《Frankenfish》)和蛇头鱼(《Snakehead Terror》)。

  3. The snakeheads are members of the freshwater perciform fish family Channidae, native to parts of Africa and Asia. These elongated, predatory fish are distinguished by their long dorsal fins, large mouths, and shiny teeth.

  4. These fish live in freshwater habitats, and sometimes move into brackish water, a mixture of salt and fresh water. Their most common habitats include ponds, lakes, swamps, streams, and other still or slow-moving waters. They prefer habitats with muddy bottoms and vegetation to hunt for prey in.

  5. Jun 16, 2023 · Snakehead fish are freshwater fish with elongated bodies and flat, scaly heads, which gives them a snake-like appearance. They have upturned mouths full of tiny teeth. On their back, they have one long dorsal fin and a long anal fin on the back half of their bellies.

  6. The snakeheads are members of the freshwater perciform fish family Channidae, native to parts of Africa and Asia. These elongated, predatory fish are distinguished by their long dorsal fins , large mouths, and shiny teeth.

  7. Channa marulius (bullseye snakehead or great snakehead) is a large species of snakehead native to South Asia. Populations in Southeast Asia are now regarded as separate species.