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  1. Page access tokens are used in Graph API calls to manage Facebook Pages. To generate a page access token, an admin of the page must grant your app the Page permission or permissions needed. Once granted, you can retrieve the Page access token using a user access token with the required permissions. Code Sample

  2. Meta Developer Documentation. Learn the basics of how to send and receive data from the Meta social graph and how to implement the APIs, Platforms, Products, and SDKs to fit your application needs.

  3. You can use the Graph API Explorer to test any request for Users, Pages, Groups, and more. Visit the reference for each node or edge to determine the permission and access token type required. The Get Started with the Graph API guide introduces you to receiving data from Meta's social graph.

  4. See this blog post for more information. Access levels are an additional layer of Graph API authorization that apply to permissions and features for Business, Consumer, and Gaming apps. There are two access levels: Standard and Advanced.

  5. May 24, 2022 · Get an access token to access for Facebook Apps. An access token identifies the user (like an email and password) used to authenticate your API calls. That way, Facebook knows whether you have access to the ad account for which you are requesting data.

  6. The Graph API is the primary way to get data into and out of the Facebook platform. It's an HTTP-based API that apps can use to programmatically query data, post new stories, manage ads, upload photos, and perform a wide variety of other tasks.

  7. Best practices. When testing an API call, you can include the access_token parameter set to your access token. However, when making secure calls from your app, use the access token class. Example requests are formatted for readability. Replace bold, italics values, such as page_id, with your values. Pages, tasks, and tokens.